Mind Map

Then, please write three paragraphs  describing the clear-cut distinction it is based on (paragraph 1)  and explaining/defining at least ten of the types of spaces (five in paragraph 2) and exchanges (five in paragraph 3) listed in the spidergram.

It is noticeable that nowadays the world is more and more connected thanks to the technological progress. Certainly some new spaces have been created in the virtual world. In this mind map, it appears that a distinction can be made between two different types of spaces. As regards for the “ REAL SPACES” it design a geographical or physical area implying the different countries and societies. Regarding the other side, we can perceive the “VIRTUAL SPACES” that have been creating by humans being so they could interact as if they will do in real life. Moreover we can deny the symbolic areas that also take part in this exchanging. This areas interact with one another. These exchanges are the act of giving and receiving. The world exchange can take different forms as migratory, cultural, economic, linguistic… The exchanges are facilitated thanks to the new technologies like internet. This notion deals with the geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupy and the interactions between men of different societies. We will focus now on the distinction by studying these types of spaces.

First and foremost, it is worth noting that the divergence between real space and virtual space is the fact that one is material and the other is artificial. Strange as it may seem, the USA is commonly refereed as the “melting pot”. As a matter of fact, American culture is defined by the different communities who mix but remain distinct in some aspects. There is no doubt whatsoever that the cultural integration to the United States has been challenging. Yet more than a century after the abolition of slavery or even segregation, the racial oppression still establish on social institutions. The ethnics neighborhood are separate physical spaces were certain sets of ethnic minorities are cluster and separate. The first one was with the arrival of large numbers of Irish immigrants. Nevertheless, speaking for myself I presume that the housing discrimination as Harlem was one of the best examples of segregation and burgeoning of afro-American culture. The exchanges established between these places where on one hand the enlightenment and enriching in a cultural aspect by making history or by mixing up other's languages. On the other hand, it may be asserted that hate was the motto of exchanges for white people. These created enough reasons to create a civil rights movement as Black Panthers followed by the political slogan Black Power. Furthermore, it is true to say that these events created new spaces in a metaphysical way. Artists as 2pac exposure very well. They reached to lay down the real word and the imagination. He show that the mind is also a space who exchanges words with the things they have experienced. For instance, the hate that black people as lived is been exchanged by messages of love or equality. Malcom X or Angela Davis has through the speech spreed a different message trying to exchanging for the harmful history they have lived.
Moreover, it is worth mentioning that there are also some symbolic spaces as the borders created by political entities such as governments. These geographical boundaries are delimited by the  boundary delimitation. They are two types of borders the political borders and the natural borders. Generally speaking, the ones that have more conflict are imposed through human agency. This limits exist between spaces. This created human smuggling due to the economic situation. More particularly, we can mention the USA border. The smuggling of migrants is a truly global concern, with a large number of countries affected by it as origin, transit or destination points. Smugglers take advantage of the large number of migrants willing to take risks in search of a better life when they cannot access legal channels of migration. This may be for themselves or for their families, and it may involve searching for work or escaping from poverty, natural disasters, violence, armed conflict or persecution. Besides, we should keep in mind that the majority of this migrants end up in inner cities. This euphemism is refer to the ghettoes in the downtowns. They often eager to have gang criminals fell into gang violence. The black  on black violence is extremely widespread in these inner-city. The violence is encourage by the police brutality and the oppressing system.

 Aside from this, a historical process call suburbanization make people shift from urban areas into suburbs creating a urban rural migration. As a consequence of the movement, the Middle class left the centre leaving out to the urbanization. Many of this workers have taken advantage of technological advances to work from their homes, telecommuting. This process take place in more economically developed countries who have ring road relating both places. The beltways are often interconnected with global cities. Cities are linked to each other as nodes in a networked world. They drive globalization consider their weight in economic and demographic terms. Follow by an EXPLOSION OF MEGACITIES. Yet, we should focus on the environmental impact that is very important for our future. This urban model bring congestion, pollution, discomfort and ill-health. Policies often are tailor-made to suit the climate disaster. 


  1. This looks OK, Sara. You'll find your mark in a new comment once all blog posts have been published by your classmates. In the meantime, keep up the serious homework.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. 1. MIND MAP 03/4
    2. SPACES: 07/8
    3. EXCHANGES: 07/8
    OVERALL MARK: 17/20

    A very personal piece of work. Your effort at illustrating your ideas is praiseworthy even though you sometimes digressed a little bit!
    Well done!


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